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Avadhoota Gita: The Song of the Free Soul


Avadhoota Gita: The Song of the Free Soul

The Avadhoota Gita is a spiritual text attributed to Dattatreya, a legendary sage and incarnation of Vishnu. The text is composed of 289 verses that express the essence of Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy of non-dualism. The Avadhoota Gita teaches that the true Self is beyond all distinctions of caste, creed, gender, and status, and that one can attain liberation by realizing one's identity with Brahman, the supreme reality.

Avadhoota Gita In Hindi By Nandlal Dashora Pdf 24

The Avadhoota Gita is also known as the Dattatreya Upanishad or the Dattatreya Gita. It is considered one of the most ancient and authoritative texts on Advaita Vedanta. The text has been translated into many languages, including Hindi, by various scholars and saints. One of the most popular Hindi translations is by Nandlal Dashora, a renowned poet and devotee of Dattatreya. Dashora's translation captures the poetic beauty and spiritual depth of the original Sanskrit verses.

In this article, we will explore some of the key themes and teachings of the Avadhoota Gita in Hindi by Nandlal Dashora. We will also provide a link to download the PDF version of the text for free.

The Meaning of Avadhoota

The word Avadhoota means "one who has shaken off" or "one who is free". It refers to a person who has renounced all worldly attachments and conventions, and who lives in a state of blissful awareness of the Self. An Avadhoota is not bound by any rules or rituals, nor does he care for any praise or criticism. He wanders freely in the world, without any sense of doership or ownership. He sees everything as a manifestation of Brahman, and he loves all beings as his own Self.

Dattatreya is considered to be the first and foremost Avadhoota in Hindu tradition. He is said to have been born as the son of Atri and Anasuya, two great sages who performed intense penance to please Vishnu. Vishnu granted them a boon that he would be born as their son in three forms: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Thus, Dattatreya is regarded as a combined incarnation of the Trimurti, or the three aspects of God.

Dattatreya grew up to be a master of all sciences and arts, and he acquired knowledge from various sources, including animals, plants, elements, and celestial beings. He had 24 gurus, or teachers, from whom he learned various lessons of life. He taught his wisdom to many disciples, including Parashurama, Kartavirya Arjuna, Yadu, Alarka, Prahlada, and others. He also composed several texts on spirituality, such as the Tripura Rahasya, the Jivanmukta Gita, and the Avadhoota Gita.

The Structure and Content of the Avadhoota Gita

The Avadhoota Gita consists of eight chapters, each containing varying numbers of verses. The first chapter introduces the theme of Advaita Vedanta and declares that there is only one reality, which is Brahman. The second chapter describes the nature of Brahman as pure consciousness, bliss, and peace. The third chapter explains how Brahman is identical with the Self (Atman), which is beyond birth and death, bondage and liberation. The fourth chapter refutes the notions of duality and diversity that arise from ignorance (avidya) and illusion (maya). The fifth chapter asserts that there is no difference between Brahman and the world (jagat), as both are expressions of the same reality. The sixth chapter rejects all distinctions based on caste (varna), stage of life (ashrama), action (karma), or knowledge (jnana). The seventh chapter affirms that there is nothing to be gained or lost by an Avadhoota who has realized his true nature. The eighth chapter concludes with a praise of Dattatreya as the supreme guru who bestows liberation on those who seek his grace.

The Avadhoota Gita is full of paradoxes and contradictions that challenge 0efd9a6b88


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